About Scott Freeman
I met Scott in the early 1980s when I was pastoring in Kansas City. He was a student at the Kansas City Art Institute and became part of my church where we grew in our love for Jesus and his kingdom. He was my choice to paint the original piece for this book. Learn about him.
"I am richly blessed to make a living doing the things I love most. I wanted to be an artist for as long as I can remember wanting to be anything though neither I nor my parents had a clue as to what that would entail”.
Scott is also an author and illustrator of children's books. Scott says, "Reading great stories to your small children is still one of the best ways to instill a biblical worldview in their hearts and minds. And reading to them happens to
be enjoyable both for them and you! Big Picture Publishing is committed to helping you normalize and reinforce spiritual truths and realities revealed in the Bible. But not through doctrine-dumping or academic bullet points.
"Our aim is to create great storybooks that your kids will
want you to read to them – beautifully illustrated stories that will go to the heart and shape them from the inside. We would love to help you with your vitally important task of raising kids who love Jesus, and who also love their neighbor." Learn more at Big Picture Publishing.
Check out his and his wife's work at